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Automated Targeting and Personalisation

Consumers expectations have shifted to the point that people expect a personal digital experience that mirrors the typical level of personalization they receive offline. Personalization is the process of creating customized experiences for visitors to a website. Rather than providing a single, broad experience, website personalization allows companies to present visitors with unique experiences tailored to their needs and desires

Personalization can be considered a key element to increase both revenue and customer base because it allows a company to segment its consumers and target them accordingly. It can be a power tool in not only driving customer engagement, but also increasing customer acquisition, increase customer retention, thus making a marketing useful.

Automated Targeting and Personalisation

Planning to implement Data Privacy Act for your website? 


Learn more about Digital Marketing Analytics and it's best practices.


Personalisation not only helps in improving customer loyalty but also helps you in understand you customer and their needs


Migration is important to keep a system updated and run at it's best


Responsible for defining personalisation strategy, identified segments of visitors with distinct preferences and needs and executing targeted experience for individual segments.

Also responsible for Adobe Target integration with Adobe Analytics using Launch, configure A/B test and multivariate tests for personalisations based on customer journey, segmentation and persona based personalisation, measure performance for each tests and draw observations.

Automated Targeting and Personalisation

The possibilities are endless.

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