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Marketing Analytics-Adobe Cloud Marketing and Google Analytics 360

​Website analytics provide insights and data that can be used to create a better user experience for website visitors. Understanding customer behavior is key in optimizing a website for conversion metrics.

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Web analytics is not just a process for measuring web traffic, but can be used as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of a website

Marketing Analytics-Adobe Cloud Marketing and Google Analytics 360

Planning to implement Data Privacy Act for your website? 


Learn more about Digital Marketing Analytics and it's best practices.


Personalisation not only helps in improving customer loyalty but also helps you in understand you customer and their needs


Migration is important to keep a system updated and run at it's best


Worked with different stakeholders to identify and collect information about the site structure and hierarchy for B2B and B2C customers including Banking, Retail and CMT business. Responsible for identifying business requirements and derive KPIs from KBR, defining the tagging strategy and testing on all environments. Worked with different website design teams to integrate the site with Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics 360 using Tag Management Solutions like Adobe Launch/DTM and Google Tag Manager.

Responsible for implementation and measuring of analytics base metrics such as page views vs visits and unique visitors, average time spent by a visitor on site, bounce rate, unique vs repeat visitor identification.
Implemented analytics tracking for user activity events including button and link clicks, total form submissions and unique form submissions for track lead generation, form abandonment tracking for analyzing lead dropouts, measuring product performance using product events such as scAdd, scOpen, purchase, revenue, Enhanced eCommerce tracking, goal set up, etc.

Also responsible for marketing tools integration and cross platform integration such Demandbase integration with website and Analytics, Contentsquare integration with website and Analytics, 6Sense integration with website, Analytics and Contentsquare. Adobe Target integration with website, Analytics and Contentsquare, etc. marketing pixel integration for example Facebook Pixels, Floodlight for DFA, Google Adwords, etc.

Identified and designed schema for Data Layer and implemented tracking using data element, Customer Journey Tracking and Analysis, 3rd Party Pardot Salesforce form tracking, suggested ways to improve page load time, etc.

Responsible for generation and analysis of ad-hoc and monthly report for top performing pages, components and channels, geo-segmentation report, top companies visiting the site, page flow analysis, etc. Identified and excluded BOT traffic to improve report performance, marketing channels and processing rules configuration to track campaign performance from paid, social and display advertisements etc.

Marketing Analytics-Adobe Cloud Marketing and Google Analytics 360

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